Tourists stumble upon woman’s body


A foreign couple holidaying on Knysna came across a woman’s body in the lagoon near Belvidere on Thursday morning. The incident took place around 07:45.

Rescue swimmers from the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) on Knysna, police divers and the Western Cape emergency services were consequently called to the scene.

According to Jerome Simonis, NSRI station commander, the woman is believed to be in her 40s. She was presumably fishing and ended up in the water.

A police diver retrieved her body from the lagoon and brought her to shore on an NSRI rescue vessel.

“Unfortunately, the woman was pronounced dead. Her body was brought to the rescue base of our NSRI station 12 and handed over to the state’s forensic pathology services.”

Simonis says the woman’s identity is unconfirmed. She was wearing a maroon colored top and dark trousers at the time of her death.

People with information about her identity can call the Knysna police station on 044 302 6609.