‘It’s not going well’ with Thys die Bosveldklong


Thys Streicher, better known as Die Bosveldklong, is currently in the intensive care unit of a state hospital outside Pretoria and his family is very worried about his condition.

“Thys is not doing well,” said Ian Bossert, Thys’ friend and colleague. Thys was admitted on Thursday with a high fever and infection count and according to Bossert he was diagnosed with kidney failure and meningitis. He is in the Dr. Treated at George Mukgari Hospital just outside Pretoria. Bossert says the family would like to have him transferred to a bigger hospital where he will be able to get specialized help. According to his mother, Elize, Thys had a stroke a few weeks ago and his health has deteriorated since then. “I am a wreck on this side. Please ask the country to pray, pray, pray,” she told RNews.

The joker-singer and radio announcer’s health has been on a roller coaster since he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2019.

He was bedridden for a while due to the disease and received treatment in February last year which made him mobile again. In October he was ready to take the stage again.

Condolences from friends and fans have since poured in on Facebook, with many asking for prayers for Thys and his family. Bossert says a number of fundraisers are launched on social media. “While it’s great for us that his supporters want to help, it’s extremely difficult for us to coordinate. His mother is inundated with calls and we ask that those who want to help please contact (Thys’s fellow artist) LJ on 066 293 8428 instead.”

The public is also asked to please respect their privacy.