Ricochet News

VIDEO: EC Dept of Health not impressed by learner in quarantine

Jun 30, 2020
VIDEO: EC Dept of Health not impressed by learner in quarantine

Mthatha - The Eastern Cape Department of Health on Monday said that it had noted a video of a learner in isolation at Makaula Senior Secondary School in kwaBhaca riding an over bed trolley up and down the hospital facility.

"While we have noted the learner is energetic and in high spirit, meaning he will easily beat COVID-19, the video is condemned in the strongest words possible," said Eastern Cape Department of Health Spokesperson, Sizwe Kupelo.

"The learner, who is part of the 204 people that tested positive for the virus at the school, should rather use that energy to catch up on his schoolwork instead.

"We regard his actions as a sign of ill-disciplined and boredom. The learner should rather use the 14 days in isolation to revise what he has learnt in school this year.

"Being in quarantine or isolation does not mean people are on holiday."

Medical professionals condemned for abandoning patients at Dora Nginza Hospital and Frere Hospital

Kupelo said that health professionals who abandoned patients at maternity wards at Dora Nginza Hospital in Port Elizabeth and Frere Hospital in East London are also condemned.

"No matter the grievances, abandoning patients can never be condoned. This placed expecting mothers and their unborn babies in grave danger," he said.

"One doctor at the respective wards at the two hospitals was left having to play God as they were left on their own.

"While their grievances are being addressed including deploying more staff to ease the pressure on them, abandoning patients is unacceptable as health professionals have taken oaths.

"The Eastern Cape Department of Health will speak to the national Department regarding urgently finalising the regulation around the closure of health facilities and also reporting the abandoning of patients to relevant professionals councils."

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