Ricochet News

WATCH: Thirsty Traveler annual Winter Spirit tasting

AUG 21, 2019

Thirsty Traveler held their annual Winter Spirit Tasting at Brickmakers Distillery on 16 August 2019. Participants included Whistler Rum, Deep South Distillery, Musgrave Gin, Distillery 031, Brickmakers Distillery, Cape Town Gin Company, Richmond Hill Brewing Company who contributed a total of 18 different spirits. Yvette Borgelt from Cape Town Gin Company and Eugene Coetzee from Brickmakers Distillery gave presentations as did Leon Bruns, Master Distiller at Whistler Rum. Leon's presentation was via Skype. Mixers were provided by Fitch & Leads and by Richmond Hill Brewing Company. Each spirit was tasted neat, on the rocks and then tasters where given carte blanche to add flavours and mixers. We had a variety of flavours and fruits on hand and all participants experimented to their hearts content.