What to pack when going on a business trip for the first time

JUNE 23, 2017
What to pack when going on a business trip for the first time

If you are going on a business trip for several days, you do not always need to pack unique outfits for each day – unless, you have a truly oversized suitcase that can carry seven suits, seven shirts, etc.

Instead, the ideal business trip suitcase is filled with interchangeable items. That means, at most pack a jacket and a pair of trousers for every other day, rather than every day, and mix and match to create different effects.

Of course, some items, socks and underwear particularly, should be packed in one-per-day amounts unless you have convenient access to a hotel laundry.

Packing for a full week of business events in varying formality would look something like this:

  • 2 suits - 1 charcoal gray and 1 navy blue 
  • 2 pairs odd trousers - a pair of khakis and a pair of gray flannel slacks are good defaults
  • 1 blazer or sports jacket - it’s not vital, especially if you have suit jackets that can be worn as blazers.
  • 7 long-sleeved dress shirts - at least three or four in plain or very lightly-patterned white
  • 1 dark, solid-color polo shirt - up the amount to three or four and reduce the amount of dress shirts by one or two if you’re traveling somewhere very hot or plan on playing a lot of golf
  • 2 pairs dress shoes - one black and one brown; wear one on the plane to save room
  • 2 dress belts- matching the shoes
  • 4-7 pocket squares - you could get away with just one white pocket square , but they’re so small you might as well bring some variety
  • 5-7 neckties - one for every day isn’t a necessity, but they don’t take up much room
  • 7 pairs dress socks - be sure that you have socks to match each trouser color
  • 7 pairs underwear - whatever your preference is
  • Wool overcoat - in winter; wear it on the plane to save room
  • Toiletries bag - all the basics
  • Dark, solid-color swimsuit - never underestimate how much business gets done in hotel spas
  • Pyjamas - never plan on sleeping naked, even if you’re supposedly getting your own room

Other items will be dictated by necessity: electronics and papers you bring, any sporting clothes the specific trip requires, and so forth. If you fancy a hat, wear it on the plane to save room.